Brigitte Bardot photos

Most popular Brigitte Bardot photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Brigitte Bardot 1977
Brigitte Bardot 1948
Brigitte Bardot 1953 portrait
Brigitte Bardot 1956
Brigitte Bardot 1977
Brigitte Bardot 1977
Brigitte Bardot 1961
Bright Bardor
Brigitte Bardot 1968
Brigitte Bardot 1948
Brigitte Bardot 1955
Brigitte Bardot 1954
Brigitte Bardot Shalako
Brigitte Bardot 1960
Brigitte Bardot 1977
Brigitte Bardot 1990
Brigitte Bardot 1967
Contempt 1963
Brigitte Bardot 1960
Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot
Bridget Bardot 1953
Brigitte Bardot 1958
Brigitte Bardot 1967
Bridget Bardot 1953
Brigitte Bardot 1950
Brigitte Bardot 1950
Brigitte Bardot 2022
Audrey Hepburn 1967
Brigitte Bardot 1964
Brigitte Bardot 1949
Brigitte Bardot 2021
Brigitte Bardot 1958
Brigitte Bardot 1953
Brigitte Bardot 1990
Brigitte Bardot 1955
Brigitte Bardot 1960
Brigitte Bardot 1984
Brigitte Bardot 1975
Brigitte Bardot 1952
Brigitte Bardot barefoot
Brigitte Bardot 2022
Brigitte Bardot 1963 contempt
Brigitte Bardot 1964
Brigitte Bardot 1969
Brigitte Bardot 1952
Brigitte Bardot 1984

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Brigitte Bardot is a French former actress, singer, and animal rights activist. She was born on September 28, 1934, in Paris, France. Bardot gained international fame in the 1950s and 1960s for her captivating beauty, sensuality, and on-screen charisma. She made her cinematic debut in 1952 with the film Le Trou Normand and rose to prominence through her performances in movies like And God Created Woman (1956), directed by Roger Vadim. Bardot was known for her uninhibited portrayal of women, embracing her sexuality on-screen, and challenging societal norms of the time. Her stunning looks and hourglass figure made her an international sex symbol, leading to her being dubbed the sex kitten of French cinema. Bardot’s reputation extended beyond the silver screen as she became an influential figure in fashion, inspiring countless women with her iconic style and distinctive hairstyles. However, Bardot’s life wasn’t limited to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. In the late 1960s, she gradually withdrew from acting to focus on her personal life and her newfound passion for animal rights activism. Bardot became an outspoken advocate for animal welfare, raising awareness about topics such as animal cruelty and the fur trade. Throughout her life, Bardot faced both admiration and controversy. She used her fame and platform to support political causes, with her involvement in right-wing politics and sometimes controversial comments on various topics attracting attention and debates. Despite her controversial moments, Brigitte Bardot’s impact on popular culture cannot be understated. Her effortless charm, beauty, and talent continue to be celebrated, exemplifying her enduring status as an international icon.

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