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David Schwimmer is an American actor and director best known for his role as Ross Geller in the popular sitcom, Friends. He was born on November 2, 1966, in Flushing, Queens, New York. Schwimmer grew up in a family of lawyers and initially pursued a career in photography. After attending Northwestern University, he co-founded the Lookingglass Theatre Company in Chicago. Schwimmer’s passion for acting led him to pursue opportunities in Hollywood, and in 1994, he landed the role of Ross Geller, a paleontologist, in the iconic television series Friends. The show’s immense success catapulted Schwimmer to international fame and recognition. Throughout his career, Schwimmer has showcased his versatility as an actor by taking on various roles in films such as Picking Up the Pieces, Apt Pupil, and Six Days, Seven Nights. He has also been recognized for his stage work, including roles in The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial and The Jungle, which earned him critical acclaim. In addition to his acting career, Schwimmer has actively contributed to several social causes. He has been an advocate for sexual assault survivors and worked as a director on several projects highlighting the issue. In 2006, he directed the film Run, Fatboy, Run, marking his debut as a feature film director. Schwimmer has continued to excel in his craft by taking on challenging roles both on screen and stage. His dedication to his work and commitment to addressing social issues have earned him respect and admiration from fans and colleagues alike. With a remarkable career spanning over three decades, David Schwimmer remains a beloved and influential figure in the entertainment industry.

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