Dominic Purcell photos

Most popular Dominic Purcell photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Dominic Haakon Myrtvedt Purcell, known professionally as Dominic Purcell, is an English-born Australian actor. He was born on February 17, 1970, in Merseyside, England. Raised in Sydney, Australia, Dominic initially pursued a career in bodybuilding and even competed in the Mr. Western Australia title. However, it was his passion for acting that ultimately led him into the entertainment industry. In 1991, Dominic made his acting debut in the Australian television series Raw FM. He gradually gained recognition in various television shows, including Water Rats and Heartbreak High. Dominic’s breakthrough came in 2005 when he was cast as Lincoln Burrows in the hit American television series Prison Break. His portrayal of the wrongfully accused brother of the protagonist received critical acclaim and made him a household name. Dominic’s compelling performance as the strong and determined character brought him widespread fame and a devoted fan following. Following the success of Prison Break, Dominic appeared in numerous films and television shows, showcasing his versatility as an actor. Some of his notable works include Blade: Trinity, Equilibrium, and Killer Elite. He also reprised his role as Lincoln Burrows in the Prison Break revival series in 2017. Beyond his acting career, Dominic has been admired for his honesty and sincerity. He has been open about his personal struggles, including a battle with addiction and overcoming a life-threatening injury on the set of Prison Break. Dominic is known for his physical presence and rugged charm, making him a popular choice for action-packed roles. His commitment to his craft and dedication to delivering memorable performances have earned him praise from both critics and fans alike. As a public figure, Dominic is actively involved in philanthropy. He supports various charities and humanitarian causes, including the organization Artists for Peace and Justice, which provides education and opportunities to children in impoverished countries. Throughout his career, Dominic Purcell has established himself as a talented actor and an inspiring individual. With his captivating on-screen presence and genuine personality, he continues to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact in the entertainment industry.

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