Dylan OBrien photos

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Dylan obrien

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Dylan O’Brien is an American actor and musician. He was born on August 26, 1991, in New York City, but was raised in Hermosa Beach, California. From a young age, O’Brien was passionate about acting and participated in school plays and local theater productions. O’Brien gained widespread recognition for his role as Stiles Stilinski in the hit television series Teen Wolf (2011-2017). His witty and lovable portrayal of the character made him a fan favorite and earned him critical acclaim. The success of the show opened up numerous opportunities for O’Brien in the film industry. In 2014, O’Brien made his film debut as Thomas in the dystopian thriller The Maze Runner, based on the popular Young Adult novel series. The film received positive reviews and established O’Brien as a rising star in Hollywood. He reprised his role in the sequel Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015), and its final installment, Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018). O’Brien’s versatility as an actor was further showcased in his role as Mitch Rapp in the action thriller American Assassin (2017). He underwent intense physical training for the role and delivered a compelling performance, proving his ability to take on diverse characters. Aside from his acting career, O’Brien is also a talented musician. He plays the drums and guitar and has displayed his musical skills in various projects. His passion for music often shines through in his interviews and social media presence. In addition to his acting and musical talents, O’Brien is known for his down-to-earth personality and genuine interactions with fans. Despite his rising fame, he remains humble and appreciative of his success. When he’s not working, O’Brien enjoys spending time with his friends, playing video games, and watching movies. Dylan O’Brien continues to captivate audiences worldwide with his charming presence on both the big and small screens. With his talent, dedication, and passion for storytelling, he has become a beloved celebrity adored by fans of all ages.

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