Evgeni Plushenko photos

Most popular Evgeni Plushenko photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Evgeni Plushenko
Plushenko and wife
Evgeni Plushenko
Evgeni Plushenko
Evgeni Plushenko
Vstanem Alexander Plushenko
Evgeni Plushenko
Evgeni Plushenko
Plushenko 2002
Evgeni Plushenko Aeolus
Evgeni Plushenko
Evgeni Plushenko Aeolus
Evgeni Plushenko
Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko
Evgeni Plushenko
Plushenko Slutskaya
Evgeni prigushin
Plushenko 2002
Plushenko 2004
Plushenko Nijinsky
Vstanem Alexander Plushenko
Plushenko Tribute to Vaslav Nijinsky
Plushenko Nijinsky
Plushenko 2014 Sochi
Vstanem Alexander Plushenko
Evgeni Plushenko Aeolus

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Evgeni Plushenko is a renowned figure skater born on November 3, 1982, in Solnechny, Russia. He is widely recognized for his exceptional talent, innovative performances, and charismatic stage presence. Plushenko’s journey in the world of figure skating began at a young age when he started training under renowned coaches. Throughout his career, Plushenko has achieved remarkable success both on and off the ice. He has won numerous national and international titles, including four Olympic medals. Plushenko’s Olympic journey began in 2002 at the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, where he secured a silver medal. He then went on to win gold at the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics and a silver medal at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. In 2014, Plushenko participated in the Sochi Winter Olympics but had to withdraw due to injury, receiving a team gold medal. Plushenko’s artistry on the ice combined with his technical prowess has captivated audiences worldwide. He is known for his daring jumps, such as his signature move, the Plushenko jump or the quad jump, which involves four rotations in the air. His performances are masterfully choreographed, showcasing his ability to seamlessly blend athleticism and grace. Outside of figure skating, Plushenko has found success as a choreographer, television personality, and entrepreneur. He has developed his own line of skating equipment and has been involved in various charitable endeavors. Additionally, Plushenko has appeared on several television shows, including as a judge on the Russian version of Dancing with the Stars. Despite facing numerous injuries and setbacks throughout his career, Plushenko’s determination and passion for the sport have made him an iconic figure in the world of figure skating. He continues to inspire upcoming skaters and remains an ambassador for the sport, leaving an indelible mark on the history of figure skating.

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