Giovanna Battaglia photos

Most popular Giovanna Battaglia photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Giovanna Albert
Giovanna Battaglia Engelbert
French Fashion
Australia celeb women
Giovanna Battaglia Engelbert
Street Style
Anna dello
Anna dello Russo Gold
Giovanna Lancellotti
Bar Rafaeli
Giovanna Battaglia Engelbert
Katie holmes
Giovanna Engelbert
Katie holmes
New look Front Style
Sara Battaglia
Parisian Style
Giovanna Battaglia Engelbert
Giovanna Battaglia Engelbert
Trendy Street Style
Giovanna Battaglia Engelbert
African woman Fashion Dress

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Giovanna Battaglia is an Italian fashion editor, stylist, and creative director. Born on June 26, 1980, in Milan, Italy, Giovanna always had a keen interest in fashion and design from a young age. This passion led her to pursue a career in the industry, where she has become a prominent and influential figure. After completing her studies in art history and fashion at the Catholic University of Milan, Giovanna started her career as a model. However, she soon transitioned into the world of fashion editorial, working for prestigious publications such as Vogue Italia and L’Uomo Vogue. Her eye for style, impeccable taste, and ability to curate unique and bold looks quickly caught the attention of both the fashion industry and fashion enthusiasts. Giovanna’s distinctive sense of fashion and her ability to effortlessly mix high-end designer pieces with vintage finds and unexpected combinations soon made her one of the most sought-after stylists in the industry. Her collaborations with renowned photographers and designers have resulted in numerous iconic fashion editorials and campaigns that have continued to inspire and push boundaries. Apart from her editorial work, Giovanna has also served as a contributing fashion editor for several high-profile magazines and has held creative director roles for luxury fashion brands. Her innate understanding of fashion trends and her ability to predict and shape them have made her a trusted and influential voice in the industry. Beyond her editorial and creative work, Giovanna has also made a name for herself as a street style icon. Her fearless and imaginative approach to fashion has earned her a dedicated following and has made her a fixture on the international fashion week circuit. Giovanna’s contributions and achievements in the fashion industry have garnered her numerous accolades and recognition. She has been featured on various best-dressed lists and has been praised for her ability to push boundaries and redefine what it means to be stylish. In addition to her professional accomplishments, Giovanna is also a mother and a wife. She married Swedish real-estate developer Oscar Engelbert in 2016, and together they have two children. With her distinctive style, creativity, and passion for fashion, Giovanna Battaglia continues to shape and influence the industry, leaving an indelible mark on the world of fashion.

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