Isabella Rosselini photos

Most popular Isabella Rosselini photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Isabella Rossellini

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Isabella Rossellini, born on June 18, 1952, in Rome, Italy, is a renowned actress, model, and philanthropist. She was born into a family deeply rooted in the entertainment industry, as her mother was the iconic Swedish actress, Ingrid Bergman, and her father was Italian film director, Roberto Rossellini. This familial background greatly influenced her passion for acting and storytelling. Rossellini started her career as a model in the late 1970s, gaining international recognition and becoming the face of prestigious cosmetic brand Lancome from 1982 to 1996. Her unique beauty and striking features captured the attention of the fashion world, making her a sought-after model, and she appeared on the covers of numerous magazines. However, it was her transition into acting that truly established Rossellini as a versatile and talented performer. In 1986, she made her breakthrough in acting with her standout performance in David Lynch’s controversial film, Blue Velvet. Her portrayal of the enigmatic and complex character, Dorothy Vallens, showcased her exceptional acting skills and earned her critical acclaim. Throughout her acting career, Rossellini has worked with several acclaimed directors and starred in a variety of films, including Wild at Heart, Death Becomes Her, and Fearless. She has also been involved in theater productions and even explored the medium of television, appearing in popular shows like Alias and 30 Rock. Besides her success on-screen, Rossellini is widely recognized for her activism and philanthropic efforts. She is an advocate for animal welfare and a supporter of various organizations dedicated to the protection and conservation of wildlife. Her passion for animals led her to produce and host several nature documentaries, such as Green Porno and Seduce Me. Isabella Rossellini’s immense talent, classic beauty, and dedication to her causes have made her a respected and celebrated figure in the entertainment industry. Her contributions as an actress, model, and humanitarian have solidified her as an influential and inspiring individual, leaving an indelible mark on the world of art and activism.

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