Kaylee DeFer photos

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Kaylee DeFer photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Kaylee DeFer, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Kaylee DeFer is an American actress who rose to fame for her charming and versatile acting skills. She was born on September 23, 1986, in Tucson, Arizona. From a young age, DeFer was drawn to the world of performing arts and started taking acting and modeling courses. DeFer made her television debut in a 2004 episode of the popular crime drama series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. Her breakthrough came when she landed the role of Ivy Dickens in the hit television series Gossip Girl in 2011. Her portrayal of the manipulative and cunning Ivy received widespread acclaim and brought her widespread recognition. Following her success on Gossip Girl, DeFer appeared in several other television shows, including How I Met Your Mother, Ghost Whisperer, and The Playboy Club. She also made her mark in the film industry, starring in movies such as Darkroom and Red Faction: Origins. Throughout her career, DeFer showcased her versatility by portraying a wide range of characters, from sweet and innocent to complex and devious. Her performances consistently display her talent for emoting and capturing the essence of each character she portrays. In addition to her acting pursuits, DeFer is also an advocate for mental health awareness and actively supports several charitable organizations. Her dedication and determination have made her not only a talented actress but also a compassionate and caring individual. Kaylee DeFer continues to captivate audiences with her incredible talent and charm. Her passion for her craft and willingness to take on new challenges have solidified her place in the entertainment industry. With each new project, she continues to prove herself as a versatile and sought-after actress.

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