Kemp Muhl photos

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Kemp Muhl, born on August 17, 1987, is an American singer, songwriter, and model. Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, Muhl started her career in the entertainment industry at a very young age. At just 13 years old, she was discovered by a modeling scout while attending a Beatles convention in Las Vegas. As a model, Muhl quickly gained recognition for her unique look and ethereal beauty. She began working with major fashion brands and magazines, gracing the covers of prominent publications such as Elle, British Vogue, and Harper’s Bazaar. Muhl’s captivating presence on the runway led her to walk for designers like Chanel, Jean Paul Gaultier, and Dolce & Gabbana. However, Kemp Muhl didn’t confine herself solely to modeling. She also possessed a strong passion for music, which eventually led her to form the folk-inspired duo The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger (The GOASTT) with her partner, musician Sean Lennon (son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono). The band released their debut album, Acoustic Sessions, in 2010, receiving critical acclaim for its haunting melodies and introspective lyrics. Muhl’s musical talents extend beyond singing and songwriting; she is also a proficient multi-instrumentalist, playing instruments such as the flute, guitar, and bass. In addition to her work with The GOASTT, Muhl has collaborated with other renowned musicians, including CeeLo Green and Lana Del Rey. Throughout her career, Kemp Muhl has seamlessly balanced her modeling and music endeavors, showcasing her versatility, creativity, and artistic expression. She continues to captivate audiences with her mesmerizing performances, both on stage and in front of the camera, solidifying her status as a multidimensional talent in the entertainment industry.

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