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The Spy next Door
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Lucas till MACGYVER
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Lucas till MACGYVER

Lucas Till photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Lucas Till, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Lucas Till is an American actor best known for his portrayal of Havok in the X-Men film series. He was born on August 10, 1990, in Fort Hood, Texas. Till began his acting career at a young age, appearing in commercials and television shows like House and Without a Trace. In 2009, Lucas Till got his big break when he was cast as the mutant Havok in X-Men: First Class. This role catapulted him into mainstream success and made him a recognizable face in Hollywood. He reprised the character in subsequent X-Men films, including X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse. Alongside his X-Men fame, Till has also appeared in numerous other movies and TV shows. He starred as Travis Brody in the action-adventure film series, The Spy Next Door, alongside Jackie Chan. Additionally, he had notable roles in movies like Stoker, Crush, and The Disappointments Room. Till’s versatility as an actor allows him to seamlessly switch between genres, showcasing his talent in both action-packed films and more dramatic roles. He has received critical acclaim for his performances, proving his skill in bringing complex characters to life. Apart from his acting career, Lucas Till has also made appearances in music videos for artists like Taylor Swift, where he showcased his dancing skills. He is known for his friendly and down-to-earth personality, endearing him to both fans and colleagues in the industry. In addition to his success on the big screen, Till has also ventured into producing and directing. He founded his production company, Lucy Lane Productions, and has expanded his creative endeavors behind the camera. Lucas Till continues to be an influential figure in Hollywood, captivating audiences with his talent and charisma. With his dedication to his craft and his passion for storytelling, he is sure to have a longstanding and successful career in the entertainment industry.

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