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Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
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Lucy Liu
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Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu

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Lucy Liu is a renowned American actress, producer, and artist of Chinese descent. She was born on December 2, 1968, in Queens, New York City, to immigrant parents from Beijing, China. Liu developed an interest in acting at an early age and pursued her passion by studying at the New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. After completing her studies, she began her acting career by starring in various television shows and films throughout the 1990s. However, it was her breakthrough role as the fierce and intelligent Ling Woo on the hit television series Ally McBeal that brought her international fame and critical acclaim. Liu’s portrayal of Woo earned her an Emmy nomination, making her the first Asian American woman to be nominated in the Outstanding Supporting Actress category. Following her success on Ally McBeal, Liu continued to make a mark in both television and film. She starred in blockbuster movies such as Charlie’s Angels, Kill Bill: Volume 1, and Chicago, showcasing her versatility as an actress and establishing herself as a prominent figure in Hollywood. Apart from her acting career, Liu is also a passionate advocate for various causes and an active philanthropist. She has been involved in initiatives supporting children’s education, human rights, and the fight against human trafficking. Additionally, Liu is a UNICEF ambassador and has traveled extensively to advocate for the rights of children across the globe. In recent years, Liu has expanded her creative expressions by stepping behind the camera as a director and producer. She directed multiple episodes of the critically acclaimed television series Elementary, in which she also starred as Dr. Joan Watson, a modern-day adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. Lucy Liu’s talent, beauty, and commitment to social causes have made her an influential figure in the entertainment industry. Her inspiring career has broken barriers and paved the way for diverse representation in Hollywood, making her a beloved and respected celebrity worldwide.

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