Lyndie Greenwood photos

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Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Nicole Beharie
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Lyndie Greenwood
Nicole Beharie

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Lyndie Greenwood is a Canadian actress, best known for her roles in popular television series. She was born on June 6, 1983, in Toronto, Canada. From a young age, Lyndie showed a passion for performing arts. Greenwood’s acting career took off in 2009 when she appeared in the TV series Nikita. This breakthrough role opened doors for her, and she soon became recognized for her talent and versatility. In 2013, Lyndie landed her most prominent role to date as Jenny Mills in the supernatural drama series Sleepy Hollow. Her portrayal of Jenny, the sister of the show’s protagonist, earned her critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase. Lyndie Greenwood’s captivating performances and natural screen presence made her a sought-after actress, leading to appearances in other renowned television shows. She made guest appearances in popular series like The Expanse, Lost Girl, and Being Erica. Her ability to bring complexity and depth to the characters she portrays has made her an audience favorite. Beyond television, Lyndie Greenwood has also ventured into the world of film. She has appeared in movies such as She Never Died and Cut to the Chase, showcasing her range as an actress. Off-screen, Lyndie Greenwood maintains a low-key and private personal life. She is in tune with her Canadian roots and often engages in various outdoor activities during her free time. In interviews, she has expressed her love for hiking, skiing, and spending time in nature. Lyndie Greenwood’s undeniable talent, combined with her down-to-earth personality, has made her a respected figure in the entertainment industry. As her career continues to flourish, audiences eagerly anticipate her future projects and are confident in her ability to bring compelling performances to the screen.

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