Cosma Chiva Hagen photos

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Cosma Chiva Hagen is a German actress and singer. She was born on May 17, 1981, in Lubeck, Germany. Hagen is best known for her work in the entertainment industry, particularly in the field of acting. Hagen’s passion for acting began at a young age, and she started her career in theater before transitioning to film and television. She made her on-screen debut in 1997 with a small role in the film Bandyta. However, it was her role as Kriemhild in the 2004 film Der Wixxer that garnered her widespread recognition and critical acclaim. Since then, Hagen has appeared in numerous successful films and television series, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Some of her notable works include Speed Racer (2008), Millennium Show (2011), and Da muss Mann durch (2015). In addition to her acting career, Hagen is also an accomplished singer. She released her first studio album, It’s a Good Life, in 2002, which achieved moderate success in Germany. Hagen has also collaborated with various artists and bands, further showcasing her musical talent. Throughout her career, Hagen has received several accolades for her contributions to the entertainment industry. She has been nominated for multiple awards, including the Bavarian Film Award and the German Comedy Award. Off-screen, Hagen is known for her philanthropic work and activism. She supports various charitable organizations and has been involved in campaigns promoting environmental conservation and animal rights. Cosma Chiva Hagen continues to captivate audiences with her talent and charm. Her dedication to her craft and her commitment to making a positive impact in the world have solidified her status as a respected and beloved celebrity.

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