Matilda Lutz photos

Most popular Matilda Lutz photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Anna Ingrid
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Anna Ingrid
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz
Matilda Anna Ingrid
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Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Anna Ingrid
Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Anna
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Lutz
Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz

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Matilda Lutz is an Italian actress and model, born on January 28, 1992, in Milan, Italy. She is best known for her role as Julia in the horror film Rings (2017). Lutz grew up in an artistic household, as her father is an Italian film director and her mother is a former model. Her passion for the entertainment industry developed early in her life, and she pursued acting and modeling from a young age. She made her acting debut in 2012 with a small role in the Italian film The Fifth Wheel. However, it was her breakthrough role as Jennifer in the controversial horror film Revenge (2017) that garnered her international recognition. Lutz’s stunning beauty and talent caught the attention of many fashion designers, leading her to work as a model as well. She has walked the runway for renowned designers such as Miu Miu, Coach, and Philipp Plein. In recent years, Lutz has expanded her acting career, taking on various projects in both film and television. She appeared in the romantic drama film Summertime (2016) and the action-thriller film Black Widow (2020). Lutz’s versatility and ability to bring depth to her characters have impressed both critics and audiences alike. Besides her successful acting and modeling career, Lutz is known for her philanthropic efforts. She is actively involved in several charitable organizations and has used her platform to raise awareness about important social issues. Matilda Lutz continues to captivate audiences with her talent, charm, and undeniable presence on and off-screen. With her promising career and dedication to making a difference, she is undoubtedly a rising star in the entertainment industry.

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