Paula Trickey photos

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Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
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Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
Paula Trickey
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Paula Trickey is an American actress, born on March 27, 1966, in Amarillo, Texas. Trickey developed a passion for acting at a young age and began her journey into the entertainment industry. She started her career as a model, appearing in various commercials and print advertisements. Trickey made her television debut in the late 1980s, with guest appearances on popular shows such as Knight Rider and Jake and the Fatman. However, it was her role as Cory McNamara on the hit television series Pacific Blue that brought her widespread recognition. The show, which aired from 1996 to 2000, showcased Trickey’s versatility as an actress, as she portrayed a strong, independent police officer. Throughout her career, Trickey has also appeared in recurring roles on other television shows like Beverly Hills, 90210, Renegade, and The O.C. Her portrayal of supporting characters has garnered her a loyal fanbase and critical acclaim. In addition to her television work, Trickey has also made appearances in films such as 666: The Child and A Kiss Goodnight. She has proven her skill in both dramatic and comedic roles, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Beyond her acting career, Trickey is also known for her philanthropic endeavors. She actively supports numerous charitable organizations and dedicates her time to various causes. Trickey is an advocate for animal welfare and has been involved in campaigns to promote pet adoption and spaying/neutering. With her talent, dedication, and warm personality, Paula Trickey continues to leave a lasting impact on the entertainment industry. Fans eagerly anticipate her future projects and admire her commitment to making a difference in the world beyond the screen.

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