Pier Angeli photos

Most popular Pier Angeli photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Píer Angeli
Anna Maria Pierangeli
Anna Maria Pierangeli
Píer Angeli
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Anna Maria Pierangeli
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Suzanne Szasz Photography
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
50s portrait
Valentines Day Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
James Dean Audrey Hepburn
Píer Angeli
Port Afrique 1956
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Pier Angeli
Anna Maria Pierangeli
Pier Angeli
Valentines Day Pier Angeli
Anna Maria Pierangeli
James Dean Pier Angeli
Philip Carey
Pier Angeli

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Pier Angeli was an Italian-born actress and one of the most promising Hollywood stars of the 1950s. She was born on June 19, 1932, in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, as Anna Maria Pierangeli. At a young age, Angeli developed a passion for acting and made her film debut in Italy at the age of 16. Her captivating beauty and talent quickly caught the attention of Hollywood, and in 1951, she signed a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) studios. Angeli gained recognition for her roles in various films such as Teresa (1951), for which she received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, and Battle Cry (1955), which elevated her status as a rising star. Not only was Angeli admired for her acting abilities, but she also captured the hearts of many with her mesmerizing looks and effortless charm. Her delicate features and innocent appeal made her a favorite among audiences and filmmakers alike. Despite her successful Hollywood career, Angeli faced personal challenges. She struggled with the pressures of fame and a turbulent love life, which included high-profile relationships with actors Kirk Douglas, James Dean, and Vic Damone. Tragically, on September 10, 1971, Pier Angeli’s life was cut short when she died at the age of 39. Her death was ruled as a result of a drug overdose, leaving behind a legacy of talent and beauty that continues to be celebrated to this day. Pier Angeli’s impact on the film industry remains unforgettable, as she displayed unparalleled talent and left an indelible mark on Hollywood. Her contribution to cinema and her enduring beauty are still revered, making her a true icon of her time.

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