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Rochelle Aytes
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Rochelle Aytes
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Rochelle Aytes
Rochelle Aytes
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Rochelle Aytes
Rochelle Aytes
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Rochelle Aytes
Rochelle Aytes
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Rochelle Aytes
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Rochelle Aytes

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Rochelle Aytes is an American actress and model, born on May 17, 1976, in Harlem, New York City. With her stunning looks and acting prowess, she has carved a niche for herself in Hollywood, becoming a prominent figure in the entertainment industry. Aytes began her career as a model, working with several renowned brands and gracing the covers of various magazines. However, it was her passion for acting that ultimately led her to pursue a career in the film and television industry. She made her acting debut in 2004, starring in the critically acclaimed television series Sex and the City. After that, Aytes went on to appear in various television shows, including CSI: NY, Detroit 1-8-7, and General Hospital, showcasing her versatility as an actress. In 2006, Aytes made her mark on the big screen, appearing in the box office hit Madea’s Family Reunion, alongside acclaimed actor Tyler Perry. This role propelled her career forward and opened up opportunities for her to work on a wider range of projects. One of her most notable works came in 2013 when she landed a lead role in the hit ABC drama series, Mistresses. Aytes portrayed the character of April Malloy, a fiercely independent and resilient woman. Her captivating performance garnered critical acclaim and earned her a loyal fan base. Outside of her acting career, Aytes is also involved in philanthropic work. She actively supports various charitable organizations, particularly those focused on empowering women and children. With her talent, dedication, and charm, Rochelle Aytes continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Her versatility as an actress, combined with her natural beauty, has made her a prominent figure in both film and television. As she continues to mesmerize audiences with her performances, there is no doubt that her star will continue to rise in the years to come.

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