Ruslana Korshunova photos

Most popular Ruslana Korshunova photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova Death
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Rusłana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova Death
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Ruslana Korshunova
Inguna Butane
Ruslana Korshunova lingerie

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Ruslana Korshunova was a highly acclaimed fashion model hailing from Kazakhstan. She was born on July 2, 1987, in the city of Almaty. From a young age, Ruslana exhibited a striking beauty and captured the attention of many with her distinct blue-green eyes and unique features. As she grew older, Ruslana’s beauty continued to blossom, and she was discovered by a talent scout in Almaty. Recognizing her potential, she soon signed with a prestigious modeling agency and embarked on her modeling journey. Ruslana quickly gained recognition within the fashion industry for her ethereal and enigmatic appearance. Her ability to effortlessly embody different styles and moods set her apart, making her a sought-after model for renowned designers and brands. She graced the covers of numerous fashion magazines, walked the catwalks of prestigious fashion weeks, and starred in campaigns for high-profile brands. Despite her rise to fame, Ruslana remained humble and down-to-earth, endearing her to both colleagues and fans alike. Her captivating beauty coupled with her gentle demeanor allowed her to form lasting friendships with many influential figures in the fashion world. Tragically, on June 28, 2008, Ruslana’s life was cut short at the age of 20. Her untimely passing shocked the fashion industry and her fans worldwide. While her death was ruled as suicide, it remains a topic of debate and speculation. Ruslana Korshunova’s legacy endures through her contributions to the fashion world. Her unique beauty, talent, and warm personality continue to inspire aspiring models and artists. She will always be remembered as a talented and extraordinary individual, whose presence illuminated the runways and touched the hearts of many.

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