Shelley Hennig photos

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Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
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Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
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Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
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Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig

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Shelley Hennig is an American actress and model, best known for her roles in popular television shows. She was born on January 2, 1987, in Metairie, Louisiana. Hennig gained public recognition when she won the Miss Teen USA title in 2004. This victory led to opportunities in the entertainment industry, and she soon made her way to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. In 2007, Hennig made her television debut as Stephanie Johnson in the long-running soap opera, Days of Our Lives. Her portrayal of the troubled teenager garnered critical acclaim and earned her a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series in 2010. Following her success on Days of Our Lives, Hennig continued to showcase her versatility as an actress. She joined the cast of another popular supernatural drama series, Teen Wolf, in 2011. Playing the character of Malia Tate, a were-coyote, Hennig demonstrated her talent for bringing complex and dynamic characters to life. In addition to her television work, Hennig has also made appearances in films such as Unfriended and Ouija. She has proven her ability to adapt to different genres and captivate audiences with her performances. Outside of acting, Hennig has also dabbled in modeling. Her stunning looks and graceful presence have caught the attention of renowned fashion publications, leading to modeling opportunities. Throughout her career, Hennig has garnered a loyal fan base who appreciates her talent and charisma. She continues to pursue challenging roles and explore new avenues in the entertainment industry. Shelley Hennig’s passion for acting, combined with her determination and natural talent, has made her a prominent figure in the television and film industry. With her impressive resume and ever-growing popularity, she is undoubtedly a rising star to watch out for.

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