Tanita Tikaram photos

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Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram - the best of Tanita Tikaram 320kbps
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram 1990
Ancient Heart Tanita
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram
Tanita Tikaram 1984

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Tanita Tikaram is a British singer-songwriter of Fijian and Malaysian descent. She was born on August 12, 1969, in Munster, Germany, where her father was serving in the British Army. Tanita’s unique and soulful voice has captivated audiences around the world. At the age of 17, Tikaram signed her first record deal and released her debut album, Ancient Heart, in 1988. The album proved to be a huge success, propelled by the hit single Twist in My Sobriety. This melancholic and introspective song showcased her raw talent and emotional depth, earning her critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. Throughout her career, Tanita Tikaram has continued to release thought-provoking and heartfelt music. Her distinctive voice, blending folk, pop, and blues influences, has been praised for its power and sensitivity. Some of her other notable songs include Good Tradition, Only the Ones We Love, and Valentine Heart. Over the years, Tikaram’s style has evolved, incorporating different genres and experimenting with new sounds. She has released a total of 11 studio albums, each reflecting her growth as an artist and her willingness to explore various musical avenues. While Tikaram’s success may not have reached the same commercial heights as her early years, she remains a respected figure within the music industry. Her loyal fan base appreciates her honest and authentic approach to storytelling through music. Outside of her musical career, Tikaram maintains a relatively private personal life. She has expressed a desire to keep her personal and professional lives separate, focusing primarily on her artistic endeavors. Tanita Tikaram’s contributions to music have left an indelible mark on the industry. Her unique vocals and emotionally charged lyrics continue to resonate with her fans, making her an enduring and beloved figure in the world of music.

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