Sydney Sierota photos

Most popular Sydney Sierota photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota Echosmith
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota Echosmith
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota Echosmith
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota 2022
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Bella Thorne
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Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota Echosmith
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
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Sydney Sierota Rock in Rio
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota
Sydney Sierota

Sydney Sierota photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Sydney Sierota, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Sydney Sierota is an American singer and songwriter, best known as the lead vocalist of the indie pop band, Echosmith. She was born on April 21, 1997, in Chino, California. Sydney comes from a musical family, with her father Jeffery David and her three brothers, Graham, Noah, and Jamie, all being involved in the music industry. Sydney’s passion for singing began at a young age, and she started performing in school talent shows and local events. In 2009, when she was just 12 years old, she formed the band Echosmith with her brothers. The band’s unique blend of indie pop and synth-pop quickly garnered attention, and they were signed by Warner Bros. Records in 2012. Their breakthrough single, Cool Kids, released in 2013, became a huge hit, reaching the top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and was certified platinum. This early success propelled Echosmith into the limelight, and they went on to release their debut album, Talking Dreams, later that year. Sydney’s distinct and captivating vocals, coupled with the band’s catchy melodies, helped Echosmith gain a dedicated fan base. Their second album, Inside a Dream, was released in 2017, featuring popular singles like Goodbye and Get Into My Car. Aside from her work with Echosmith, Sydney has also collaborated with various artists, including DJ Marshmello, on the hit single Happier in 2018. Her talent and musical versatility have made her a sought-after vocalist in the industry. Sydney Sierota continues to charm audiences with her powerful voice, endearing personality, and undeniable talent. Her ability to connect with listeners through heartfelt lyrics and infectious melodies has solidified her place as a rising star in the music industry. As she continues to evolve as an artist, fans eagerly anticipate the next chapter of Sydney Sierota’s musical journey.

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