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Andrea Corr
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Andrea Corr
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The Corrs
Andrea Corrs

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The Corrs is an Irish pop rock band consisting of four siblings: Andrea, Sharon, Caroline, and Jim Corr. They were born and raised in Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland. The band was formed in 1990 when Andrea Corr was approached to record a song for a film soundtrack. Recognizing their musical talents, the siblings decided to form a band with Jim Corr playing guitar and piano, Sharon Corr on violin and vocals, Caroline Corr on drums and piano, and Andrea Corr as the lead vocalist. Their debut album, Forgiven, Not Forgotten, was released in 1995 and reached international success. The album featured their unique blend of pop rock with traditional Irish elements, such as incorporating fiddles and tin whistles into their songs. It spawned several hit singles including Runaway and Forgiven, Not Forgotten. Following the success of their first album, The Corrs released multiple successful albums throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s. Their second studio album, Talk on Corners, became the highest-selling album in Australia in 1998 and featured their iconic song Breathless, which topped the charts in numerous countries. The Corrs’ signature sound, characterized by catchy melodies, enchanting harmonies, and the fusion of pop and traditional Irish music, gained them a global fanbase. They toured extensively and performed at numerous high-profile events, such as the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in 1998. Despite taking breaks to focus on their personal lives, such as starting families, The Corrs continued to make music together. They released their seventh studio album, Jupiter Calling, in 2017, showcasing a mature and introspective sound. In addition to their musical talents, the members of The Corrs are also known for their philanthropy and activism. They have supported various charities and causes, particularly in the areas of cancer research and prevention. The Corrs have left a lasting impact on the music industry, and their unique sound continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Their talent as musicians and their heartfelt lyrics have solidified their place as one of the most successful and beloved Irish bands of all time.

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