Tilda Swinton photos

Most popular Tilda Swinton photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton young
Tilda Swinton young
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton 1986
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton young
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton 1986
Tilda Swinton feet
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton 2012
Tilda Swinton the War Zone
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton

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Tilda Swinton is a British actress known for her diverse range of roles and avant-garde choices in both mainstream and independent cinema. She was born on November 5, 1960, in London, England. Swinton comes from a family with a strong artistic background. Her mother was a Australian-born actress and her father was a Scottish Major-General. She initially studied Social and Political Sciences at Cambridge University before pursuing acting at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Her breakthrough came in the 1992 movie Orlando, where she portrayed the eponymous character who lives for centuries and switches genders. This role catapulted Swinton into international stardom and showcased her ability to effortlessly embody complex and unconventional characters. Throughout her career, Swinton has collaborated with acclaimed filmmakers such as Derek Jarman, Jim Jarmusch, and Wes Anderson, among others. She’s known for her striking androgynous appearance, distinctive voice, and chameleon-like performances. Swinton has received numerous accolades for her work, including an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in the movie Michael Clayton (2007). She has also been recognized for her performances in films like We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011) and Snowpiercer (2013). In addition to her film work, Swinton is a prominent figure in the art world. She has worked with renowned visual artists like Isaac Julien and Cornelia Parker, and she even had an exhibition dedicated to her at the Pompidou Centre in Paris. Despite her fame, Swinton has maintained a private life and eschews traditional notions of celebrity. She is known for her activism, particularly her involvement in humanitarian causes and environmental awareness. Tilda Swinton’s unconventional career, remarkable talent, and dedication to creativity have solidified her as a respected and influential figure in both the film and art industries. Her commitment to pushing boundaries and embracing unique roles continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

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