Tricia Helfer photos

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Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer 1999
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer
Tricia Helfer

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Tricia Helfer is a Canadian actress and model, best known for her iconic portrayal of the humanoid Cylon Number Six in the critically acclaimed television series Battlestar Galactica. She was born on April 11, 1974, in Donalda, Alberta, Canada. Before embarking on her acting career, Helfer’s successful modeling career took off when she was discovered by a modeling agency at the age of seventeen. She quickly gained international recognition by working with top fashion designers and appearing in prestigious magazines, including Vogue and Elle. Helfer went on to walk the runways for renowned fashion houses such as Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, and Versace. In 2002, Helfer made her acting debut in the television show Jeremiah, which marked the beginning of her transition from the fashion industry to acting. However, her breakthrough role came in 2003 when she was cast as Number Six in the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series. Her portrayal of the seductive and complex Cylon quickly earned her critical acclaim, earning her nominations for various awards. Following her success on Battlestar Galactica, Helfer continued to establish herself as a versatile actress, appearing in several television series such as Burn Notice, Lucifer, and Powers. She also expanded her filmography by lending her voice to various animated characters and taking on roles in movies like Walk All Over Me and Authors Anonymous. Helfer’s talent and versatility extend beyond acting as she has also ventured into producing, with projects like Liberator and the documentary Why We Breathe. Additionally, she uses her platform to advocate for various causes, including animal rights and environmental issues. Throughout her career, Tricia Helfer has proven to be an exceptionally talented actress, captivating audiences with her dynamic performances. Her modeling background, combined with her natural talent, has allowed her to bring depth and complexity to a variety of characters. With her versatility and dedication, it is no wonder that Helfer has become a beloved and respected figure in the entertainment industry.

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