Triinu Kivilaan photos

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Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
Triinu Kivilaan
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Triinu Kivilaan is an Estonian singer and songwriter, best known as a former member of the popular girl group Vanilla Ninja. She was born on January 13, 1989, in Viljandi, Estonia. Kivilaan began her singing journey at a young age, participating in various local talent competitions. Her talent was quickly recognized, and in 2002, she was chosen as one of the founding members of Vanilla Ninja. The group achieved great success in Estonia and internationally, releasing several hit singles and albums. During her time with Vanilla Ninja, Kivilaan became known for her powerful vocals and charismatic stage presence. She helped the group win the Estonian national final and represent Estonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 with the song Cool Vibes. They achieved a respectable 8th place in the competition, gaining them even more popularity across Europe. In 2004, Kivilaan briefly left Vanilla Ninja to pursue a solo career and released her debut album Now and Forever in Estonia. However, she later rejoined the group and continued to contribute to their success until 2008 when Vanilla Ninja disbanded. After Vanilla Ninja disbanded, Kivilaan focused on her solo career and released several singles in Estonia. In 2011, she participated in the Estonian version of Dancing with the Stars, showcasing her dancing skills to a wider audience. In recent years, Kivilaan has remained active in the music industry, collaborating with various artists and continuing to release her own music. She has also explored other creative endeavors, including acting in Estonian television dramas. Triinu Kivilaan’s talent, dedication, and contributions to the music industry have solidified her status as a beloved Estonian celebrity. Her powerful voice and energetic performances continue to captivate audiences, making her a prominent figure in Estonian pop music.

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