Ursula Andress photos

Most popular Ursula Andress photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress 1975
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress 1962
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress James Bond
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress

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Ursula Andress is a Swiss actress and sex symbol, born on March 19, 1936, in Ostermundigen, Switzerland. She gained international fame for her role as Honey Ryder in the 1962 James Bond film, Dr. No. Andress’s iconic entrance emerging from the sea in a white bikini has been forever etched in cinema history. Prior to her breakthrough in Hollywood, Andress had a successful modeling career in Italy. She appeared in various Italian films before catching the attention of producers for the role of Honey Ryder. Her portrayal of the Bond girl not only made her an instant sex symbol but also established her as an international star. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Andress continued to appear in numerous films, further cementing her status as a sex symbol. Some of her notable works during this time include Fun in Acapulco (1963) alongside Elvis Presley and The Blue Max (1966). Andress also ventured into European cinema, starring in critically acclaimed films like The Mountain of the Cannibal God (1978) and Clash of the Titans (1981). Beyond her seductive on-screen presence, Ursula Andress was appreciated for her talent as an actress. She delivered strong performances in films such as Once Before I Die (1966) and The Fifth Musketeer (1979), demonstrating her versatility beyond being a glamorous sex symbol. While Andress’s career slowed down in the 1980s and 1990s, she made occasional appearances in films, television shows, and even theater. Her unique beauty, elegance, and charm continued to captivate audiences, and she remained an iconic figure in the entertainment industry. In addition to her acting career, Andress has also been associated with philanthropic work, particularly for organizations supporting children’s health and education. She has been involved in several charitable events and public initiatives, showcasing her compassionate side. Ursula Andress will forever be remembered as an international sex symbol and one of the most timeless Bond girls. Her contribution to cinema, her undeniable beauty, and her ability to transcend boundaries have made her a beloved and iconic figure in the world of entertainment.

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