Virginia Madsen photos

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Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
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Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen 2003 independent Spirit Awards
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
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Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
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Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen

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Virginia Madsen is an American actress, born on September 11, 1961, in Chicago, Illinois. She comes from a family of performers, with her mother being a writer and her brother an actor. Madsen began her acting career in the early 1980s and quickly gained recognition for her talent and beauty. She made her film debut in the 1983 comedy-drama film Class, portraying a young woman caught in a love triangle. However, it was her role in the 1984 horror film Candyman that brought her widespread attention and critical acclaim. Throughout her career, Madsen has showcased her versatility by portraying a wide range of characters in various genres. She has appeared in notable films such as Dune (1984), Sideways (2004), and The Astronaut Farmer (2006). Her performance in the drama film Sideways earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Apart from film, Madsen has also made appearances on television, showcasing her talent in popular shows like Witches of East End and Designated Survivor. Additionally, she has lent her voice to several animated projects, including Justice League Unlimited and American Dad! Aside from her acting career, Madsen has been actively involved in philanthropy and advocacy work. She has supported various organizations focused on issues such as cancer research, children’s rights, and mental health awareness. Virginia Madsen continues to amaze audiences with her captivating performances and charm. With her talent, on-screen presence, and dedication to social causes, she has become an influential figure in the entertainment industry. Her contributions to film and television have solidified her status as a respected and talented actress.

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