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Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
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Yunjin Kim
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Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim Lost
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim
Grace Park
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Yunjin Kim
Yunjin Kim

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Yunjin Kim is a South Korean-American actress who gained international fame for her role as Sun-Hwa Kwon in the hit television series Lost. She was born on November 7, 1973, in Seoul, South Korea. Kim began her acting career in her home country, starring in numerous television dramas and films. She quickly rose to prominence in South Korea, thanks to her exceptional talent and captivating performances. Her versatility as an actress allowed her to portray a wide range of characters, showcasing her acting prowess and winning the hearts of audiences. In 2004, Kim’s career took a significant turn when she was cast as Sun-Hwa Kwon in Lost, a critically acclaimed and hugely popular American television series. Her portrayal of Sun, a strong-willed and multilingual character, further solidified her status as a talented actress in the international entertainment industry. Following her success on Lost, Kim went on to appear in several Hollywood films, such as Seven Days, Harmony, and House of the Disappeared. She also embarked on various television projects, including Mistresses and The Neighbors, further expanding her acting portfolio. Yunjin Kim’s contributions to the entertainment industry have earned her numerous awards and accolades, both in South Korea and abroad. Her ability to seamlessly transition between different languages and cultures has also made her a beloved figure for fans worldwide. Aside from her acting career, Kim actively participates in philanthropy work, supporting various charitable organizations. She uses her platform to raise awareness about important social issues and promote positive change. Yunjin Kim continues to thrive in her acting career, captivating audiences with her undeniable talent and captivating performances. She remains an iconic figure in both South Korean and American entertainment, inspiring aspiring actors and actresses around the globe with her remarkable journey.

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