Melissa Roxburgh photos

Most popular Melissa Roxburgh photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh
Melissa Roxburgh

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Melissa Roxburgh is a Canadian actress, born on December 10, 1992, in Vancouver, British Columbia. She grew up with a passion for performing arts and began her acting career at a young age. Roxburgh made her television debut in 2011 with a guest role on the popular Canadian series Supernatural. Her talent and dedication were quickly recognized, leading her to secure larger roles in both television and film. In 2015, Roxburgh appeared in the critically acclaimed drama film Star Trek Beyond, where she portrayed the character Ensign Syl, earning her widespread recognition and praise for her performance. However, it was her breakthrough role in the NBC series Manifest that brought her international recognition and made her a household name. The show premiered in 2018 and follows the passengers of a flight that mysteriously disappeared for five years, only to reappear without having aged a day. Roxburgh portrayed the complex character of Michaela Stone, a police officer, who struggles to readjust to her life after the plane’s return. Her portrayal demonstrated her versatility and talent as an actress, leaving a lasting impact on viewers and critics alike. Aside from her roles in Star Trek Beyond and Manifest, Roxburgh has also acted in other television series such as Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow, further showcasing her range as an actress. Melissa Roxburgh continues to captivate audiences with her talent, charm, and undeniable screen presence. As her career continues to soar, she remains a rising star in the entertainment industry, admired for her versatility and ability to bring characters to life with depth and authenticity.

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