Indira Varma photos

Most popular Indira Varma photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Ellaria Sand
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma
Indira Varma

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Indira Varma is a British actress of Indian and Swiss-Italian descent. She was born on May 14, 1973, in Bath, England. Varma grew up in a creative environment as her father was a set designer and her mother, a playwright. Varma’s passion for acting developed at a young age, and she pursued her dreams by studying drama at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA). After completing her training, she made her professional debut in the theater production of The Vortex at the Donmar Warehouse in London. Varma gained widespread recognition for her role as Maya Roy in the critically acclaimed television series Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love in 1996. Her performance garnered her attention and opened doors for her in the entertainment industry. Throughout her career, Varma has showcased her versatility as an actress by appearing in various films and television shows. Notably, she portrayed Niobe in the film Romeo and Juliet (2013) and Ellaria Sand in the popular HBO series Game of Thrones (2014-2019). Her portrayal of Ellaria Sand mesmerized audiences with her fierce and complex character. In addition to her screen work, Varma has also excelled on stage, performing in numerous theater productions. She has collaborated with prestigious theaters such as the Royal Shakespeare Company, the National Theatre, and the Almeida Theatre. Indira Varma has received critical acclaim and accolades for her performances throughout her career. Her talent and dedication have earned her a loyal fan base and respect within the entertainment industry. She continues to challenge herself with diverse roles, displaying her range and captivating audiences with her captivating performances.

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