Christian Serratos photos

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Christian Serratos
Christian Serratos
Christian Serratos
Christian Serratos
Christian Serratos
Christian Serratos
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Christian Serratos

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Christian Serratos is a Mexican-American actress and model, best known for her role as Rosita Espinosa in the popular television series The Walking Dead. She was born on September 21, 1990, in Pasadena, California, USA. Serratos comes from a diverse background with her Mexican father and Italian mother. Her passion for acting began at a young age when she performed in various school plays and local theater productions. At the age of 13, she landed her first major acting role in the Nickelodeon series Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide, where she played Suzie Crabgrass. However, her breakthrough came when she was cast as Angela Weber in the hugely successful Twilight film franchise. This role helped her gain recognition as an actress and opened doors for future opportunities. She reprised the role in subsequent Twilight films and showcased her talent to a wider audience. In 2014, Serratos joined the cast of The Walking Dead, a critically acclaimed TV show based on the comic book series of the same name. Her character, Rosita Espinosa, is a skilled survivor in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. Her portrayal of Rosita has garnered praise from both critics and fans alike. Aside from her acting career, Serratos has also made a name for herself in the modeling industry. She has appeared in numerous fashion magazines and has worked with renowned brands to promote their products. With her talent, beauty, and infectious energy, Christian Serratos continues to captivate audiences worldwide. She has carved a niche for herself in the entertainment industry and has become an inspiration for aspiring actors and models. As she continues to pursue her passion, fans eagerly await her future projects and the exciting roles she will take on.

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