Diana Moldovan photos

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Diana Moldovan
Diana Moldovan
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Diana Moldovan
Diana Moldovan
Diana Moldovan
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Diana Moldovan

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Diana Moldovan is a Romanian supermodel known for her stunning beauty and successful career in the fashion industry. She was born on March 13, 1987, in Siscani, Moldova. Moldovan had a passion for modeling from a young age and dreamt of making it big in the fashion world. Her breakthrough came in 2006 when she participated in the prestigious Elite Model Look competition, where she finished as a runner-up. This achievement opened the doors to numerous opportunities, and Moldovan quickly gained recognition in the industry. She signed with major modeling agencies like IMG Models and Women Management, allowing her to work with renowned fashion houses and designers. Moldovan has graced the covers of various fashion magazines, including Vogue, Elle, and Harper’s Bazaar. She has also walked the runways of internationally acclaimed fashion weeks, such as New York, Paris, Milan, and London. Diana Moldovan’s career reached new heights when she became the face of several high-profile fashion campaigns. She has worked with iconic brands like Dior, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Versace, and Armani, solidifying her status as a top model in the industry. Beyond the fashion world, Moldovan has ventured into acting, showcasing her versatility and talent. She appeared in movies like In Time (2011) alongside Justin Timberlake and With Love… from the Age of Reason (2010) featuring Sophie Marceau. With her natural elegance, captivating presence, and ability to embody diverse roles, Diana Moldovan has become a sought-after celebrity and a source of inspiration for aspiring models. She continues to thrive in the fashion industry, leaving her mark as one of Romania’s most successful exports to the international modeling scene.

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