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Eliza Taylor
Eliza Taylor
Eliza Taylor
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Eliza Taylor
Eliza Taylor
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Ellieai Taylor
Liza Tilor
Ellieai Taylor
Eliza Taylor
Ellieai Taylor
Eliza Taylor
Eliza Taylor
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Eliza Taylor
Ellieai Taylor
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Liza Tilor
Ellieai Taylor
Ellieai Taylor
Liza Tilor
Liza Tilor
Eliza Taylor
Liza Tilor
Liza Tilor
Ellieai Taylor
Liza Tilor
Eliza Taylor Cotter
Liza Tilor
Eliza Taylor
Eliza Taylor Cotter
Eliza Taylor
Ellieai Taylor
Eliza Taylor
Eliza Taylor
Eliza Taylor
Eliza Taylor
Ellieai Taylor
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Liza Tilor

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Eliza Taylor is an Australian actress best known for her role as Clarke Griffin in the post-apocalyptic TV series, The 100. She was born on October 24, 1989, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. From a young age, Eliza had a passion for acting and began attending acting classes. Her career started at the age of 16 when she landed her first professional acting role in the Australian TV series, Pirate Islands. She then went on to star in various Australian productions, including Blue Water High, The Sleepover Club, and Neighbours. Eliza’s breakthrough role came in 2014 when she was cast as the lead in The 100. The show gained widespread popularity and showcased her versatility as an actress. Her portrayal of the strong and resilient Clarke Griffin was acclaimed by both critics and fans alike. Outside of her work on The 100, Eliza has also appeared in other projects, such as the films The November Man and Thumper. She has also made appearances on TV shows like Mistresses and Rush. Apart from her acting career, Eliza is known for her involvement in various philanthropic efforts. She supports causes related to environmental conservation, animal rights, and mental health. She actively promotes awareness and advocates for positive change. Eliza Taylor continues to captivate audiences with her talent and dedication to her craft. Her compelling performances, combined with her philanthropic work, have solidified her as not only a talented actress but also a role model for many.

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