Jessica Lucas photos

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Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
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Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
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Jessica Lucas as tabby on Gotham
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
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Jessica Lucas Gotham
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas
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Jessica Lucas
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Jessica Alba Bikini 2022
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Jessica Lucas
Jessica Lucas

Jessica Lucas photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Jessica Lucas, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Jessica Lucas is a Canadian actress and singer, best known for her versatile talent and vibrant on-screen presence. She was born on September 24, 1985, in Vancouver, British Columbia. From a young age, Jessica showed a keen interest in performing arts, participating in school plays and local theater productions. Her passion for acting led her to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, and at just age 17, she made her television debut on the series Seven Days. Lucas gained significant recognition for her role as Lily Ford in the television series Edgemont. This breakthrough performance opened doors to more prominent opportunities, and she soon landed a recurring role on the popular CW series 90210, playing the character of Riley Richmond. However, Jessica’s true star-making role came when she portrayed the bright and spunky Tabitha Galavan on the acclaimed TV series Gotham. Her portrayal of the determined assistant turned villainess showcased her acting range and propelled her into the limelight. This role earned her widespread praise from critics and audiences alike. Aside from her success on television, Lucas has also achieved notable success in the film industry. She has appeared in films such as Cloverfield, Evil Dead, and Pompeii, gaining recognition for her ability to tackle diverse genres and inhabit compelling characters. Lucas continues to take on challenging roles, constantly pushing herself as an actress. In addition to her acting career, Jessica Lucas is also an accomplished singer. She has showcased her vocal talents in various projects, including performing on the television series Melrose Place and releasing music videos on her YouTube channel. Beyond her artistic endeavors, Lucas is known for her advocacy work and dedication to various causes. She has actively supported organizations like PETA and often uses her platform to raise awareness about environmental issues and animal rights. Jessica Lucas’s talent, versatility, and dedication make her a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. Her ability to captivate audiences and bring depth to her characters continues to solidify her status as one of Canada’s finest talents. With a promising career ahead, there is no doubt that Jessica Lucas will continue to shine on both the small and big screens for years to come.

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