Madelaine Petsch photos

Most popular Madelaine Petsch photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Madelaine Petsch
Madelaine Petsch

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Madelaine Petsch is an American actress and model best known for her breakthrough role as Cheryl Blossom on the popular teen drama series Riverdale. She was born on August 18, 1994, in Port Orchard, Washington. Petsch developed a love for performing at a young age and began her acting career by attending theater camps and participating in school plays. She decided to pursue acting professionally and moved to Los Angeles to further her career. In 2016, Petsch landed the role of Cheryl Blossom, the fierce and complicated character on Riverdale, based on the characters from the Archie Comics. Her captivating portrayal of the wealthy and fiercely determined redhead quickly gained immense popularity among viewers and critics alike. Apart from her success on Riverdale, Petsch has also ventured into other acting projects. She has appeared in films like The Curse of Sleeping Beauty and F*&% the Prom. Additionally, she has made guest appearances in television shows such as The Last Summer and Project Runway. Petsch’s undeniable talent and striking looks have also made her a sought-after model. She has worked with renowned brands like Coca-Cola, Old Navy, and Google, and has appeared in magazines such as Seventeen and Nylon. Beyond her acting and modeling career, Petsch actively uses her platform to advocate for causes close to her heart. She is an ambassador for The Thirst Project, a non-profit organization that aims to provide clean drinking water to communities in need. Madelaine Petsch’s dedication to her craft, genuine portrayal of her characters, and charitable endeavors have made her rise in fame and become a respected figure in the entertainment industry. With her talent and ambitions, she continues to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact on the world of acting and beyond.

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