Majandra Delfino photos

Most popular Majandra Delfino photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
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Majandra Delfino 1999
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Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
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Majandra Delfino
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Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Marieh Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino 1997
Majandra Delfino
Marieh Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino
Majandra Delfino

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Majandra Delfino is an American actress, singer, and songwriter, who is best known for her role as Maria DeLuca in the hit television series Roswell. She was born on February 20, 1981, in Caracas, Venezuela, to a Cuban mother and a Venezuelan father. Delfino’s passion for the arts started at a young age, and at the age of 5, she moved to Miami, Florida with her family to pursue her dreams. She began her acting career at age 10, appearing in various commercials and small television roles. Her breakthrough came in 1999 when she landed the role of the feisty and loyal Maria DeLuca in Roswell. Her performance as part of the close-knit group of alien-human hybrid friends garnered her critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase. The show ran for three seasons, further establishing Delfino as a talented actress. Outside of Roswell, Delfino has appeared in several films and television shows including Traffic, The Tony Danza Show, and State of Georgia. She has also showcased her musical talent, releasing two studio albums titled The Sicks and Tarte. In addition to her acting and singing career, Delfino is known for her activism and philanthropy work. She has been an advocate for environmental causes and has actively supported organizations such as Oceana, Surfrider Foundation, and Global Green USA. Majandra Delfino continues to pursue her passion for acting and music, consistently taking on new projects and engaging with her fans through social media. With her talent, versatility, and dedication, she has become a beloved celebrity in the entertainment industry.

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