Ravshana Kurkova photos

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Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
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Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova
Ravshana Kurkova

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Ravshana Kurkova is a renowned Russian actress and model. She was born on August 22, 1987, in Moscow, Russia. Ravshana showed an inclination towards the performing arts from a young age and began her acting career in the early 2000s. Kurkova gained recognition and critical acclaim for her roles in various Russian television series and films. Her breakthrough came in 2002 when she starred in the popular TV series Kamenskaya. This role earned her widespread recognition and established her as a promising talent in the industry. Over the years, Ravshana Kurkova has exhibited her diverse acting abilities by portraying a range of characters in both comedic and dramatic roles. Some of her notable works include the films Third Love (2012), Romantics Anonymous (2017), and Text (2019). She has also appeared in successful TV series such as Ordered to Marry (2005) and Detectives-5 (2018). Aside from her acting career, Ravshana Kurkova has made a name for herself in the fashion industry. She has worked with renowned designers and brands, gracing the covers of popular magazines and walking the runways of fashion shows. With her stunning looks, undeniable talent, and incredible versatility, Ravshana Kurkova has become one of the most recognized and admired celebrities in Russia. Her contributions to the entertainment industry have earned her numerous awards and nominations, cementing her status as a highly respected actress in her homeland. Offscreen, Ravshana is known for her philanthropic endeavors and her active presence on social media. She uses her platform to promote various charitable causes and engage with her large fan base. In summary, Ravshana Kurkova is a multi-talented actress, model, and philanthropist who has left a lasting impact on the Russian entertainment industry. Her remarkable performances and dedication to her craft have earned her immense popularity and admiration both in Russia and internationally.

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