Sophie Ellis Bextor photos

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Sophie Ellis Bextor
Sophie Ellis Bextor
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Sophie Bextor
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Sophie Ellis Bextor
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Sophie Ellis Bextor
Sophie Ellis Bextor
Sophie Bextor
Sophie Ellis Bextor
Sophie Ellis Bextor
Sophie Bextor
Sophie Ellis Bextor
Sophie Ellis Bextor
Sophie Ellis Bextor
Sophie Ellis Bextor
Sophie Ellis
Sophie Bextor
Sophie Bextor
Sophie Ellis Bextor

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Sophie Ellis-Bextor is an English singer, songwriter, and model born on April 10, 1979, in London, England. She started her career as a singer in the late 1990s as the lead vocalist of the indie rock band, Theaudience. However, it was in the early 2000s that she rose to fame as a solo artist. Ellis-Bextor’s breakthrough came with her debut solo single, Groovejet (If This Ain’t Love), which reached number one on the UK Singles Chart in 2000. This success was followed by a string of hit singles including Murder on the Dancefloor, Take Me Home, and Get Over You, all of which became chart-topping hits in the UK. Known for her unique blend of pop and dance music, Ellis-Bextor has released several successful albums throughout her career. Her second album, Shoot from the Hip (2003), spawned the hit single Mixed Up World and solidified her position as a prominent artist in the British music scene. Subsequent albums, such as Trip the Light Fantastic (2007) and Wanderlust (2014), also achieved critical and commercial success. In addition to her music career, Ellis-Bextor has ventured into other creative endeavors. She has appeared as a model for various fashion campaigns and even participated in the 2013 season of the reality TV show Strictly Come Dancing, where she finished in fourth place. Sophie Ellis-Bextor continues to release new music, collaborate with other artists, and perform both in the UK and internationally. Her distinctive voice, elegant style, and infectious dance-pop tunes have made her a beloved celebrity in the music industry.

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